”Isbjörnen lider mest av klimatförändringarna”

Uppdaterad 2011-03-08 | Publicerad 2007-08-31

Läs hela chattet med grönlänningen Elin Andersen

Isbergen smälter och isbjörnen tvingas flytta på jakt efter mat.

De senaste åren har Grönland drabbats hårt av det allt varmare klimatet.

I dag kunde aftonbladet.se:s läsare chatta med grönlänningen Elin Andersen om livet och klimatförändringarna på världens största ö.

Az säger: Hej Elin. Jag är väldigt fascinerad av Grönlands natur och funderar på att åka på ett längre besök dit. Men jag undrar, hur är kulturen där hos folk? Har man tagit till mycket av danskarnas? Tack.
Elin Andersen säger: It depends on who you ask. There lives a lot of Danish people here. But we have our own culture. We have our own behavour. So, come to Greenland and see how it is. We have a lot of Danish food, but we have our own as well.
anni säger: Är det kallt året om på Grönland?
Elin Andersen säger: No, it's not. It's warmer than it was five - ten years ago. In the 80ths, it was very cold. At that time it could be 36 degrees below zero, and now, this winter, the coldest we had was 20-25 degrees. In the summer it's very hot. When you compare with the summer 10 years ago, it's much warmer. Today we have plus 8 degrees.
lars-göran säger: Är det nu man ska börja investera i mark på Grönland?
Elin Andersen säger: I don't know. It's very difficult for me to answer that question. There are some Canadian companies, searching for oil now. But I can't say if it's time to invest now, because I don't have that information.
Lars säger: Vad är det du saknar mest från civilsationen?
Elin Andersen säger: I don't miss anything. We've got everything we need.
Tony säger: Hello! Can you tell me how much the temperature has risen the last 10 yers and how much of the glacier has gone and in how many yers will the glacier vanish?
Elin Andersen säger: I would say about 3 degrees in the last ten years. In the past six years it has gone 15 km of the glacier. I don't know about the future, but scientists say that in about two years the big ice-bergs here may be gone.
Marianne Wille Larsen säger: Hej, jag är född i Ilulissat och vet hur det har sett ut tidigare, numera är jag bosatt i Landskrona och har magisterexamen i miljöstrategi. Jag är orolig för hur klimatförändringen kommer att påverka befolkningen på Grönland. Vet du hur man förbereder folket för eventuell förändring av näringslivet pga klimatförändringen? Många av mina familjmedlemmar arbetar just med fiske och produktion av detta. Mvh : Marianne
Elin Andersen säger: I'm not sure they are preparing them for anything right now. But I think that some of the fishermen will go to school again. Many young people will get an education instead of go hunting. I think the problem will solve itself. But off course, the fishermen right now can feel the climate changes because the fish has become smaller because the sea has gone warmer.
lars-göran säger: I have heard about the climate in the age of the vikings. it was wery warm at that time to. do you think that history is repeating itself?
Elin Andersen säger: Some say it maybe is. In the time of the vikings in the southern part of Greenland it was warmer than now. I think it's starting from the beginning again, what he has heard could be right.
PeterS. säger: Har djurlivet på något märkbart sätt ändrat sig de senaste åren?
Elin Andersen säger: I think the animal that suffers most from the globalwarming is the polarbear, because the ocean doesn't freeze anymore. The polarbear needs a lot of oceanice. We have never seen a polarbear in our town, but this summer there was a polarbear out on the airport. They have to go inlands, to find something to eat. But I havn't noticed that other animals are in a riskzone right now.
Anne säger: Jag har sett att det blivit en turistinvation på Grönland. Hur påverkar det situationen hos inuiterna? Positivt/negativt vet ju att det har funnits/finns en del alkoholproblem bland annat.
Elin Andersen säger: Yes there is a lot of tourists. For example we have had a lot of governmentpeople from all over the world coming here. I don't think it's negative yet, because the inhabitants earn money from the tourists. I have not seen negative things coming out of it yet.
Maria säger: Hi Elin. How warm is it on a really warm summer's day on Greenland?
Elin Andersen säger: Here, in our town it can be 35 degrees in the sun and about 20-25 in the shadow. And it's a very dry air, so it feels even warmer.
niklas säger: hur varmt har det varit som varmast på Grönland ?
Elin Andersen säger: I don't know. But I think the record has been this summer, because it has been very hot this summer.
lars-göran säger: Do you have a blog or a homepage?
Elin Andersen säger: No, I don't have that. But a lot of people have their homepages, so you can look it up. I know some guys who have a lot of pictures on their homepages: Greenlandforyou and Iceberg.gl.
Magnus säger: What can we who don't live on Greenland do to prevent the climat changes?
Elin Andersen säger: Don't use so much oil and gas. And switch of the lights when you don't use them. And it's enough with one car instead of two or three.


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